This Obscure First Issue PRE-DATES Many Of The Famous Horror Titles Yet It Continues To Remain A Sleeper, As Few Fans Have Learned About It, And Most Dealers Have Not Yet Handled A Copy. Whether Or Not It Qualifies As A Psycho Clown Cover Or Not Will Forever Be Debated, But That Frilly Circus-Like Piece Around His Neck Coupled With His Profile Looking Much Like A Homicidal Demented Killer-Clown Certainly Does Not Take Away From The Awesome Bondage And Headlights Depiction.
Inside It Features Exciting Salacious Tales Including "Death Is The Victor" Which Is Probably Drawn By The Underrated Moe Marcus, Followed By "Murder Backfires" By The Masterful Ken Battefield. It Also Includes "The Hidden Clue" By Pierre Charpentier, And "Death Directs" Starring Queenie Starr, Which Is Likely Drawn By Saul Rosen. While Others May Offer Repro Copies And Photocopy Editions, This Is A Bona Fide Unrestored First Print From 1952. Don't Take This Chance To Score A Well-Preserved Copy Lightly, Or You May End Up Settling For A Humiliating Replica Facsimile Instead. THIS ANTIQUE COMIC-BOOK HAD AN ORIGINAL PRICE OF TEN CENTS.
The Crime, Shock, Occult, And Mystery Themes Never Go Out Of Style! This hails from a dark, dry, pet-free, climate-controlled environment. Although it's more than seventy years old, it retains an impressive amount of luster along with bold colors, and bone-white pages inside of it. MATERIAL LIKE THIS SPOTLIGHTING ICONIC THEMES OF CINEMA, TELEVISION, POP CULTURE AND LITERATURE NEVER LOSES APPEAL.
RARE KEY BONDAGE & GGA TORTURE COVER COMIC. Many of you have dealt with us through our ads in CBM, CBG, O. We are secure packagers and prompt shippers so expect to be pleased. WE LIST SCARCE INVESTMENT-GRADE COLLECTABLE COMICS FREQUENTLY, SO PLEASE CHECK BACK OFTEN! IS ALWAYS DEALING IN COMICS & ART!
Good Luck and Happy Collecting!